
Economics, Business, Civics and Citizenship 10 Second Edition (print and digital)

Economics, Business, Civics and Citizenship 10 Second Edition (print and digital)
Julie Cain / Tony Kuc / Gillian Somers
Year 10
Business, Economics, and Legal / Humanities
Price:   AUD $62.95
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This title includes the following components
Print Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin Offline Textbook available in the interactive textbook
Interactive Textbook
Title information
Included components
Sample pages
The complete series
About the authors

Economics, Business, Civics and Citizenship Second Edition continues to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills students require to participate as active, engaged and informed citizens and consumers within the community, Australia and the world. It now offers a new level of digital support to bring the topics to life and provide teachers with valuable task-management, testing and reporting tools.

New in this Edition:

  • Covering all content from the Australian Curriculum this second edition contains fully updated case-studies and media articles to ensure students are engaging with the most up-to-date material available.
  • The new digital resources, powered by Edjin*, include the tried and tested Learning Management System, offering comprehensive and time-saving reporting tools, a task manager, and a test-generator to support teachers.
  • The Interactive Textbook engages students with the content through rich media, interactive activities and a competition-based Scorcher quiz.

What we’ve kept:

  • The range of different activities including research, investigation and case studies caters for different learning styles and abilities. 
  • End-of-chapter materials help students reflect and consolidate their learning and prepare them for success in future studies, while helping teachers ensure all curriculum content is covered successfully. 

*Edjin is a comprehensive teaching and learning platform featuring an interactive online textbook with rich digital resources for students, and a powerful Learning Management System with time-saving reporting and task management for teachers..

The text delivered in print format.
Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin
Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin
The online version of the student text delivers a host of interactive features to enhance the teaching and learning experience, and when connected to a class teacher account offers a powerful Learning Management System. It is accessed online through Cambridge GO using a unique 16-character code provided with the Print Textbook, or available for purchase separately as a digital-only option.

The Interactive Textbook is available as a calendar-year subscription. Your subscription term is defined as follows: if activation occurs between January and July of this year, subscription concludes on 31 December this year. If activation occurs between August and December of this year, subscription concludes on 31 December the following year.

Digital resources are expressly available for personal use only.
Offline Textbook available in the interactive textbook
Offline Textbook available in the interactive textbook
The downloadable offline version of the student text enables students to take notes and bookmark pages. It is downloaded through your account using the same unique 16-character code that is included with the purchase of the Print Textbook and the Interactive Textbook.

Economics and Business
1 Indicators of economic performance and how Australia’s economy is performing
2 Links between economic performance and living standards and how and why variations exist
3 Government’s management of economic performance to improve living standards
4 Factors influencing major consumer and financial decisions
5 Managing a business to respond to changing economic conditions and to improve its productivity

Civics and Citizenship
6 Government and democracy
7 Laws and citizens
8 Citizenship, diversity and identity

We want to give you the opportunity to view sample pages of our titles so it's easier for you to make decisions.

Economics, Business, Civics and Citizenship Second Edition continues to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills students require to participate as active, engaged and informed citizens and consumers within the community, Australia and the world. It now offers a new level of digital support to bring the topics to life and provide teachers with valuable task-management, testing and reporting tools. 

ISBN 9781108469739
Print Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin Offline Textbook available in the interactive textbook
AUD $62.95
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ISBN 9781108685573
Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin Offline Textbook available in the interactive textbook
AUD $49.95
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ISBN 9781108634021
Online Teaching Suite
AUD $199.95
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Julie Cain

Julie Cain is the Campus Principal – Senior School at Mount Waverley Secondary College. She has tutored pre-service teachers at university level, is on the Board of Directors of the Victorian Commercial Teachers Association (VCTA) and currently holds the position of President. She is an experienced VCE Business Management, Commerce and Humanities teacher. Julie spent many years assessing VCE Business Management exams, and is a regular presenter at teacher professional development sessions and the annual VCTA Comview Conference. She is also a regular contributor to the VCTA COMPAK teachers’ journal and develops assessment materials for a number of organisations.

Tony Kuc

Tony is an education consultant, having previously taught in independent, Catholic, government and Christian schools for over 40 years. He has been Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School at several schools. He has a passion for teaching and has been extensively involved with the VCTA where he has published articles, conducted professional development sessions for teachers, presented at student lectures, been a long-standing Board member of VCTA, and served as president. He has also served as President of the national body – Business Educators Australasia. Tony has consistently advocated for good curriculum in the middle secondary level, and has previously published in this field. With the advent of Economics & Business and Civics & Citizenship (law-related components) Australian Curriculum, Tony was involved in the formulation of a draft position paper for the VCTA and in responding to ACARA draft curriculum in the fields above.

Gillian Somers

Gillian Somers is an education consultant who has regularly presented professional development sessions for teachers and student revision lectures in the area of VCE Business Management. Gillian has been actively involved in consultation, auditing, reviewing and assessing for the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). She edited the Business Management section of the VCTA journal COMPAK for many years and regularly contributed to the journal and the VCTA annual conference Comview. Previously, she was the Senior Business Management teacher and VET Coordinator at Trinity Grammar School, Kew. She is a member of the VCTA Advisory Committee for Business Management.

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