Designed to foster understanding and mastery of mathematics in every student
ICE-EM Mathematics Third Edition is designed to develop a strong foundation in mathematics for every student in Years 5 to 10/10A, and now offers a new level of digital support for teaching, learning, assessment and reporting.
Developed by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), ICE-EM Mathematics helps students of all abilities to understand and master mathematics beyond the curriculum while building strong foundation skills.
Demystifying Shakespeare.
Shakespeare Reloaded encourages middle secondary students to imaginatively engage with Shakespeare’s plays and poetry as they actively explore key ideas and themes and how these are expressed through language. This active approach to studying Shakespeare will complement and enhance the study of individual texts and provide an invaluable resource for every English student.
A comprehensive overview of the teaching of classics.
A selection of essays on key issues in Classics teaching.
An active inquiry approach to Statistics and Probability using practical activities and investigations.
Statistics and Probability for the Australian Curriculum supports an active inquiry approach to developing statistical thinking, an increasingly important skill throughout industry, government and education. Real statistical data investigations guide students from first thoughts, through planning, collecting and exploring data, to reporting.
Your guide to speaking and writing German.
Critical introductions to a range of literary topics and genres.
Offering critical introductions to a range of literary topics and genres, Cambridge Contexts in Literature supports comparative and contextual study and is ideal for library reference or for building a senior module around a selected title. Each volume has been carefully planned to help students evaluate the influence of literary, cultural and historical contexts on both writers and readers, and includes an anthology of texts and extracts exemplifying key issues.
Develop a greater understanding of specific periods in European, British and American history.
Cambridge Perspectives in History is an innovative series of history texts offering introductory and in-depth topic coverage to help students develop a greater understanding of specific periods in European, British and American history.