New Cambridge Senior Maths resources developed to meet the needs of the Australian Curriculum and its variants in WA, TAS and ACT.
Cambridge Senior Mathematics: Australian Curriculum is an authoritative series for the Australian Curriculum that builds on a proven maths teaching and learning formula while incorporating the content and assessment requirements that characterise senior curricula in WA, TAS and ACT. The content of this series can be also be used as a resource for SA but may require some supplementation by teachers.
Designed to foster understanding and mastery of mathematics in every student
ICE-EM Mathematics Third Edition is designed to develop a strong foundation in mathematics for every student in Years 5 to 10/10A, and now offers a new level of digital support for teaching, learning, assessment and reporting.
Developed by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), ICE-EM Mathematics helps students of all abilities to understand and master mathematics beyond the curriculum while building strong foundation skills.